品牌旗下现有手提包、钱包、饰品、首饰和成衣等产品系列。Liebeskind Berlin 坚持选用细致皮革,手工制作各类产品,之后上市销售。
现在您在麦琴根名品村的 Liebeskind 大卖场,能够低价买到 Liebeskind Berlin 的若干顶级产品,价格低至三折。
现在您在麦琴根名品村的 Liebeskind 大卖场,能够低价买到 Liebeskind Berlin 的若干顶级产品,价格低至三折。
RRP € 229.00
€ 80.00
Women's bag in different colors
2024-12-13 - 2024-12-13
For only € 80.00 instead of € 229.00 RRP. Only in conjunction with the Liebeskind customer card and for new customers. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 379.00
€ 90.00
Women's bag in different colors
2024-12-13 - 2024-12-13
For only € 90.00 instead of € 379.00 RRP. Only in conjunction with the Liebeskind customer card and for new customers. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Up to -15 %
On the outlet price of all cell phone cases
2024-12-13 - 2024-12-13
Get up to -15 % off the outlet price on all cell phone cases. Only in conjunction with the Liebeskind customer card and for new customers.
RRP € 39.90
€ 10.00
Unisex key fob brown
2024-12-13 - 2024-12-13
For only € 10.00 instead of € 39.90 RRP. Only in conjunction with the Liebeskind customer card and for new customers. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Up to -10 %
On the outlet price from 3 pieces
2024-12-13 - 2024-12-13
Get up to -10 % off the outlet price when you buy three or more items. Only in conjunction with the Liebeskind customer card and for new customers. Cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.
RRP € 379.00
€ 90.00
Women's bag in different colors
2024-12-13 - 2024-12-13
For only € 90.00 instead of € 379.00 RRP. Only in conjunction with the Liebeskind customer card and for new customers. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 59.90
€ 20.00
Women's shoulder strap in different colors
2024-12-13 - 2024-12-13
For only € 20.00 instead of € 59.90 RRP. Only in conjunction with the Liebeskind customer card and for new customers. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 579.00
€ 279.00
Women's bag Lora Satchel size L
2024-12-10 - 2024-12-14
For only € 279.00 instead of € 579.00 RRP. Only in conjunction with the Liebeskind customer card and for new customers. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
Liebeskind on the Online Shop¹
麦琴根 LIEBESKIND BERLIN Berlin 折扣店主打优品、靓酷、休闲风。这个发源于德国首都柏林的品牌创立于 2003 年,在创立之初,创始人着眼于柏林的流行风尚, 以皮革手提包作为品牌的主打产品。在三位创始人 Semih Simsek、Johannes Rellecke 和 Julian Rellecke 的努力之下,逐渐形成了今天的国际时尚品牌 LIEBESKIND BERLIN。 品牌旗下现有手提包、钱包、饰品、首饰和成衣等产品系列。LIEBESKIND BERLIN 坚持选用细致皮革,手工制作各类产品,之后上市销售。只用优质材料,是这家发源于柏林的品牌一贯坚持的经营哲学。 现在您在麦琴根名品村的 LIEBESKIND BERLIN 大卖场,能够低价买到 LIEBESKIND BERLIN 的若干顶级产品,价格低至三折。
LIEBESKIND BERLIN 折扣店 — 靓酷、柏林、国际化
“我们生活在柏林,我们热爱柏林”— 这是企业的信条。坐落在柏林 Friedrichshain 城区的大型工作室是品牌的核心所在,这里紧邻施普雷河,终日散发勃勃生机。 发散思维设计产品不是这个工作室的唯一任务,它还负责将设计落到实处。设计、裁剪、缝纫 — 紧跟时尚潮流。皮革手提包一直是这个品牌的特色产品。从 2012 年开始,LIEBESKIND BERLIN 逐步推出了休闲女装、个性眼镜和鞋子系列产品,三年后又增加了钟表和首饰,您在所有 LIEBESKIND BERLIN 专卖店都能购买到这些反映最新流行趋势的时尚单品。
发源于柏林的 LIEBESKIND BERLIN 品牌走中高端路线,产品颇受顾客青睐。其品牌发展史可谓一部成功典范,而保持活跃是获得成功的一个因素。企业现任负责人,同时也是品牌共同创始人的 Johannes Rellecke 经常穿梭于各大秀场和时尚展会,不论是复古风,还是个性混搭,他都投以密切关注,并将其融入品牌旗下的产品当中。而同时,柏林的明快风尚以及生活方式,也不断为品牌注入汩汩活力。 这个源于柏林的品牌致力于为崇尚自我、追求自由、敢于打破常规的人士设计服饰,以种类繁多和易于搭配的全套系产品征服顾客。
Liebeskind Berlin Outlet Store**
** Liebeskind Outlet Store Metzingen - 运营商 : LIEBESKIND GmbH | Stralauer Allee 10-11 | 10245 Berlin
¹ 在线商店仅提供德语版本。德国、奥地利和瑞士可以送货。