UGG® was founded in 1987 by an Australian surfer and has since become a global lifestyle brand.
Buy the coveted UGG boots now at your UGG store in the Outletcity Metzingen near Stuttgart.
Buy the coveted UGG boots now at your UGG store in the Outletcity Metzingen near Stuttgart.
RRP € 119.95
€ 80.00
Women's slippers in different colors
2024-12-10 - 2025-1-6
For only € 80.00 instead of € 119.95 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 249.95
€ 167.00
Women's boots
2024-12-10 - 2024-12-29
For only € 167.00 instead of € 249.95 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 139.95
€ 93.00
Women's slippers in different colors
2024-12-10 - 2025-12-29
For only € 93.00 instead of € 139.95 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 189.95
€ 127.00
Women's boots in different colors
2024-12-10 - 2025-1-6
For only € 127.00 instead of € 189.95 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
RRP € 129.95
€ 87.00
Women's slippers in different colors
2024-12-10 - 2025-1-6
For only € 87.00 instead of € 129.95 RRP. (RRP / manufacturer’s recommended retail price, if one exists. This offer is the lowest total price in the last 30 days).
UGG® 靴子——驰名商品
UGG® 于 1987 年在加利福尼亚州由一名澳大利亚冲浪者创立。现在,该品牌已成长为一个全球知名的生活方式品牌,它尤其凭借标志性经典雪地靴系列而闻名世界。这一系列因为成为好莱坞大人物、明星和时尚专家的选择而出名;现在已经风靡全球。黑色、棕色和灰色的 UGG® 鞋已经成为每一个鞋柜中的必备品。从拖鞋到靴子、再到婴儿鞋,UGG® 名品折扣店有丰富多样的顶级鞋款可供女士和男士们挑选。除鞋子外,UGG® 产品还包含服装、手袋、时尚单品和家居饰品。所有产品都表现出毫不妥协的质量和工艺要求。
UGG® 优质产品促销
每个款式都经过细节上的精心设计,除独具特色的外观外,它们还能确保极高的穿戴舒适感。经典的 UGG® 手套也凭借其绝佳保暖特性而闻名世界。在 UGG® 促销活动中,您可以按优惠价格购买到广受全球消费者喜爱的时尚产品。永恒的底色加上鲜艳的色彩点缀,这就是带有丝带和宝石的 UGG® 靴子——这个品牌总是用独特的创意让人眼前一亮,并且可以提供符合各种审美偏好的正确款式。不管是 UGG® 女靴还是男靴,总是很好地承载着品牌典型特征。这个品牌是多样性和独特文化的结合。这一点在其品牌价值中清楚体现:UGG® 是:“Bold, Provocative, Free-Spirited, Optimistic, Real。”这个品牌以全球范围内不拘泥于定式、追求逆流而上的人作为目标品群。
到麦琴根名品村优惠购买 UGG®
广受欢迎的 UGG® 靴子具有多种搭配方式,并且可以给每一个造型加入新鲜元素。欢迎您到名品折扣店优惠购买您心怡的鞋子——这里已备好您的下一双鞋柜新宠。
** UGG Outlet Store Metzingen - 运营商: Deckers Germany GmbH | Karl-Weinmair-Straße 9-11 | c/o Fashion Mall Titan | 80807 München
¹ 在线商店仅提供德语版本。德国、奥地利和瑞士可以送货。